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Gordon - Thu, 2010/07/22 - 02:43
ESXi 4 server on an x86 machine.
Downloaded turnkey-zimbra-2009.10-2-hardy-x86. From vSphere Client selected to "Deploy OVF Template" and navigated to turnkey-zimbra-2009.10-2-hardy-x86.ovf file using the deploy from file option. This error comes up immediately:
Line 9: Unsupported value "Http:// 'for attribute 'format'' on element "Disk".
Am I using correct file or is there another way to deploy the appliance on ESXi server?
Known Bug
As per my comment on your other post:
Have you looked at the TKL VMware documentation that discusses a bug that occurs when using TKL OVF with newer versions of VMware software - which I'm guessing is what you're experiencing? As discussed there there are a number of workarounds.
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