johnbmcdonald's picture

Hi Guys,

I just installed turnkey-lamp-2008.10.17-hardy-x86 everyting went smoothly (Except I found out you can not use a usb keyboard during install) anyhow... my question is:

I went to login to the mysql database server admin through the webmin interface. It asks for a username and password.

I figured this was going to correspond to the root password I entered during installation. But that does not seem to be the case. I tried all the normal default passwords I could think of.. no luck. any ideas?



Liraz Siri's picture

Hi John,

The default credentials are in the lamp appliance's release notes.

You raise a good point though. Maybe we could make things easier in the next version by blanking the mysql password or by setting it to the root password during install. I'll talk to Alon about that...

Hope this helps.

johnbmcdonald's picture

I appreciate your help

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