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juanmackie - Mon, 2023/10/09 - 02:32
Hi there
Could you advise how best to adjust the max_upload size for the SNIPE-IT back up file. The default is 8mb but my backup file is 80mb
Hi there
Could you advise how best to adjust the max_upload size for the SNIPE-IT back up file. The default is 8mb but my backup file is 80mb
Hi Juan,
Hi Juan,
You'll need to update the PHP settings - in the php.ini file. The exact location will depend on which TurnKey (or specifically PHP) version you are using. The path to the file you'll need to edit will be /etc/php/PHP_VERSION_X.Y/apache2/php.ini where PHP_VERSION_X.Y is the PHP version. E.g. with PHP 8.1, it will be /etc/php/8.1/apache2/php.ini
If you'd like more specific instructions, you'll need to share the specific appliance version you are using. If you are unsure, please run:
And then share the output.
The settings that will need adjustment are (with suggested values to support a 80MB upload with a bit of headroom):
You may also want to adjust these:
They related to other things that may restrict your ability to upload files, although may not be required.
Please note that in the php.ini file, any lines that start with a semi-colon (';') are "commented out" (i.e. ignored), so some of those lines that I suggest changing above, may need to have the leading ';' removed (as well as adjusting the setting) before they will be applied.
After saving those changes, restart Apache:
Hopefully your upload should now work. If not, please share the TurnKey version and confirm which specific changes you've made.
Big thanks mate. I knew I had
Big thanks mate. I knew I had to change:
upload_max_filesize = 100M
post_max_size = 128M
But missed the other variables.
Much thanks
Php.ini file location in a web shared hosting cpanel
This is the TurnKey Linux forums!
Hi there, this is the TurnKey Linux forums.
Unfortunately, we have no idea about the setup of your shared hosting provider. You possibly don't even have access to these PHP settings in a shared hosting environment. Either way it's probably best to contact your hosting provider. They'll either be able to tell you how/where or perhaps they'll need to do it for you?
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