Jeremy Davis's picture


Chances are if you're reading this, you have applied for a TurnKey website user account.

Considering that 95% of all signups are spammers and/or seo farmers, plus the hammering the site has got from spammers earlier in the year, blocking auto signups was probably overdue. However, it can be really hard to tell the difference between a potential spammer and a legitimate user. So I'm almost certain that I delete legitimate accounts when I cleanup the obvious spammer ones.

So this thread has 2 main purposes:

  1. A place where prospective users, waiting for account approval, can introduce themselves, share a little about what they are using TurnKey for and demonstrate that they are a legitimate human; and
  2. A place where TurnKey users who are looking for support can post their question(s)/issue(s) while they are awaiting account approval.

Intro post

The first is pretty self explanatory, but I anticipate that spammers and seo farmers will want to try to game the system and will likely post friendly messages in the hope that they will convince me. So if you fit into this category, please be sure to mention specifically which appliance you are running (or plan to run) and on what platform. Also if you can give some context to your username and/or email, that might help me too. I'm not going to go into what sort of things I use to tell the difference (because spammers will adapt their behaviors) but I'm hoping that this will give some solid hints for legit users, but won't get read by too many spammers. One thing I can say is that the more detail you share, the harder it is to "fake" it, the more specific you can be, the less likely you are to be a spammer.

Guest support post

For the second category, please be sure to include lots of info. The reason for that is two-fold. Firstly, so I can tell you're not faking it to try to get your spam account enabled. Secondly, so that we can provide a useful response (rather than just asking you more questions). Definitely include the specific TurnKey appliance and version that you are using (and/or the output of 'turnkey-version'), plus details of the problem you are experiencing or thing you are trying to do but need advice on. Please provide as much info as possible.

Final words

If you're still reading, I'm almost certain that you aren't a spammer. Please post a new post below (as a guest). In the provided space for email address (which won't be publicly visible), please be sure to include the same email as you used for your account signup. Please note that your post may need to be manually reviewed before it is public visible.

Note too that support type posts will be moved. Other posts might be cleaned up from time to time too, so please don't be put off if there are no posts below.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Saxon, your TurnKey website account has been approved.

If your files aren't that important, then you can use Turnkey as is.

If you want to do remote TKLBAM backups, then you'll need to sign up for a TurnKey Hub account (the user databases for the Hub and the website are separate). You can get an API key there.

If you do choose to sign up to the Hub and have any Hub specific concerns/questions, please send me a message via the the "in app" support system and I'll reply ASAP.

For more general TurnKey questions, please post on the website forums.

Ricardo F G Silva's picture

Hi Guys,

I just received the e-mail telling me to right as a guest here.

I am using proxmox and I started a fileserver and plan to use it with TurnKey fileserver. If I may have the approval to get your keys would be great, thanks,

Best !

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Ricardo, your TurnKey website account is approved. :)

If your files aren't that important, then you can use Turnkey as is.

If you want to do remote TKLBAM backups, then you'll need to sign up for a TurnKey Hub account (the user databases for the Hub and the website are separate). You can get an API key there.

If you do choose to sign up to the Hub and have any Hub specific concerns/questions, please send me a message via the the "in app" support system and I'll reply ASAP.

For more general TurnKey questions, please post on the website forums.

David Goyins's picture

Just got a great deal on Amazon with a mini PC and turned it into a Proxmox server so I was looking through all of the available options and came across the option to download Turnkey LXC templates but found out I need an api key before I can use them... :(. Here I am asking for

David Goyins

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi David, your TurnKey website account is approved.

If you are only testing and/or your data isn't important, then you don't need an API key. The API key is to link TKLBAM backups (our built-in remote backup tool) to the TurnKey Hub. If you want to set that up, please sign up for an account over there (the user databases for the Hub and the website are separate).

If you do choose to sign up to the Hub and have any Hub specific concerns/questions, please send me a message via the the "in app" support system and I'll reply ASAP.

For more general TurnKey questions, please post on the website forums.

Ka3BuiL's picture

A new member is here :D

Jeremy Davis's picture

I've just approved your account, so you are good to log in and post in our forums if/when you want to.

maquacuoi's picture

My name is Phu Quy Gia living VietNam

Jeremy Davis's picture

Welcome to TurnKey, your account has been approved.

Russ Nixon's picture

Good day, Proxmox newbie here finally taking the pluge and learning as quickly as possible. Experimenting with Turnkey Backup and Migration in containers, really cool stuff. Haven't been this excited to learn a new platform since TrueNAS. Thanks, hope you are having a terrific weekend.


Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Russ, I've just enabled your account so if you have any questions, problems or bug reports, please let us know. If you are logged into the site, then you can post in the forums.

Also, if you have any TurnKey Hub related questions, please contact me via that and I'll help you out.

Good luck with it all and hope to see you about.

MeLLy's picture

Hi! I just set up an account with Turnkey Hub and am now looking at just browsing forums for more information. I am currently using the OpenLDAP instance and want to say your product is the best! Thank you for what you do.


Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi MeLLy - thanks for your kind words.

I've approved your account now, so please feel free to ask any general TurnKey questions in the forums. Also if you need support and/or have bug reports.

Hopefully see you about.

Vladislav Yevtushenko's picture


I’m a software developer running a homelab with Proxmox.
I’ve installed a Gitea container and need to set up backups using Turnkey.
I’m also interested in exploring other apps from the Turnkey Hub, with a possibility of subscribing in the future.


// vlad

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Vlad, I've approved your website account. Welcome to TurnKey. :)

If you want to enable backups though, you need to sign up for a separate TurnKey Hub account - the website and the Hub have individual user databases.

If you have backup and/or Hub related questions, please ask via Hub support - little blue icon bottom left. Expected Hub support response times are within one workday, although often quicker.

Please feel free to open a new thread on the forums here on the website anytime, although most likely I will be a fair bit slower to respond.

Harry Evans's picture

I am sign up on July 25th, 2024, still my account is not approved for further use.
Following error occurred during sign in.
The username harryevans2k24_2023905 has not been activated or is blocked.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Harry, your account is approved.

Regarding the time it has taken for your account to be approved, did you post here before?

If so, my apologies. For some reason I must have missed your post.

If not then that is expected. We get literally hundreds of signups per day and most of them are spammers. Posting here, confirming that you are not just a spammer is the second step to get your account approved. That should have been noted in the welcome email when you first signed up. Apologies if that wasn't clear or you didn't get the email.

Regardless, please post in the forums any time. Others may jump in and/or I'll reply when I can, usually within a few days.

Nyr Moonhall's picture


I have dabbled with Turnkey solutions in the past but not actually registered for an account, or at least not followed-through as the process is rather unorthodox. Some solutions I have looked into in the past include a Process Maker solution, and presently an Odoo solution. I have also used the Open LDAP solution in the past to stage scaled lab environments for various NFR solution implementations for my work in my homelab. The purpose of my use of these solutions is primarily exploratory; I use them to get an idea of capabilities and hands on experience with the solutions before using them at large. It's been a while but I believe that I was testing the Process Maker solution in virtual box, but am presently using ProxMox to test out Odoo.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Nyr, your website account is now enabled.

Yes apologies on the somewhat convoluted sign up process. Despite the spam protection that we had, I got overwhelmed by spammers so i had to make a difficult decision.

We plan to move to better forum software in the near future and hopefully we'll be able to improve the signup process while still stopping the spammers.

Now you can post in the forums anytime. I'll reply as soon as I can, but often that can take me a few days.

Richard de Jonge's picture

So here I am - I came across turnkey linux as a solution to my home hosting needs.

Stuck on a problem of my own creation. Hope you find a better solution for new user accounts though!

The struggle!

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Richard, your website account is now enabled. Please feel free to post in the forums anytime.

I apologies that the signup process is far from ideal. We have spam protection, but for whatever reason at one point I was overwhelmed by spammers - literally hundreds of spam posts per day, and from unique accounts too, so clean up was a time consuming pain. We were already planning to move to better forums software - and anti-spam measures. So the current process is a stop gap. Unfortunately it's taken us longer to migrate than I had hoped. But hopefully within the next few months...

Richard de Jonge's picture

Well thanks mate - keep at it!
I was already aware of the forum spam struggles from previous experiences - I just hoped it wasn't as wide-spread of an issue as it actually is. :(

xTeooo's picture

Hello from Poland!
My name is Tomasz aka xTeooo and I'm starting my adventure with TurnKey just out of curiosity.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Tomaz, welcome to TurnKey :)

Your website account has now been approved. If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to open a new thread in the forums.

Eudes Silva Aguiar's picture

Olá preciso realizar o backup de migração do servidor.
Hello I need to perform the migration backup of the server.
Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Eudes.

Welcome to TurnKey. I have enabled your website account.

Please note that I only speak English, so I have taken the liberty of using Google translate on your post and adding an English translation below your text. I'll also do the same to mine.

In future feel free to continue to post in Portugese if you prefer, but it'd be great if you could also include an English translation as well. If your English isn't great feel free to use a translation service as I have.

To your migration request, please check the TKLBAM doc page first so you understand potential limitations. To get a Hub API key, you'll need a separate account with the TurnKey Hub because the user databases are separate.

If you need assistance migrating your data to a new server, please feel free to log in here on the website (using this account I've just enabled) and open a new support thread in our forums.

Olá, Eudes.

Bem-vindo ao TurnKey. Habilitei sua conta no site.

Observe que só falo inglês, então tomei a liberdade de usar o Google Tradutor em sua postagem e adicionar uma tradução em inglês abaixo do seu texto. Também farei o mesmo com a minha.

No futuro, sinta-se à vontade para continuar a postar em português se preferir, mas seria ótimo se você também pudesse incluir uma tradução em inglês. Se seu inglês não for bom, sinta-se à vontade para usar um serviço de tradução como eu usei.

Para sua solicitação de migração, verifique primeiro a página de documentação do TKLBAM para entender as possíveis limitações. Para obter uma chave de API do Hub, você precisará de uma conta separada com o TurnKey Hub porque os bancos de dados do usuário são separados.

Se precisar de assistência para migrar seus dados para um novo servidor, sinta-se à vontade para fazer login aqui no site (usando esta conta que acabei de habilitar) e abrir um novo tópico de suporte em nossos fóruns.

Marcel Seidel's picture

I am looking forward to approval.

Mattalynn Darden's picture

We’re excited to have you on board. Your account is now active, and you’re all set to explore our resources and get started with our appliances.

If you’re new to TurnKey Linux, I recommend checking out the Getting Started Guide and our Support Forums for community discussions and tips. You might also find our Documentation Hub helpful as you dive in.

Feel free to reach out if you need any assistance. We’re here to help and happy to have you as part of the TKL community!

Peter Bridgeman's picture

Hey Guys,

Keep up the great work, hoping to get approved to access the forums and activate some TurnKeys. Thank you in advance!


Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Peter, welcome to TurnKey

Please feel free to start a new thread here in the forums if you have questions, problems and/or feedback. I'll reply ASAP, but that may take a few days.

If you want an API key, then you'll need to sign up for a (separate) TurnKey Hub account - thankfully the Hub signup doesn't involve the same hoop jumping that this did/does. If you have any Hub specific questions or problems, please ping me via the Hub support- expected response time is within one work day, usually less.

SheikhZilean's picture

Hello my name is Adil,

I'm a student system/network administrator, and I'm currently playing with a Proxmox home server. It was through Proxmox that I discovered LXC containers, which I find very practical. After encountering a problem with the “Wordpress” LXC container, I decided to sign up to see if I could talk to the community or find out if earlier versions of the container were available, so I decided to sign up here and it's with my remaining energy and dark circles that I'm sending you this post.

It was through Proxmox that I discovered LXC containers, which I find very practical. After encountering a problem with the “Wordpress” LXC container, I decided to sign up to see if I could talk to the community or find out if earlier versions of the container were available, so I decided to sign up here and it's with my remaining energy and dark circles that I'm sending you this post.

Of course, I'm also interested in other containers that I haven't been able to test, such as nextcloud, but I've still got so much to learn and so many goals to achieve, for the moment, that I can't look into these treasures just yet.

see you soon

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Adil, welcome to the TurnKey website.

Re your WordPress problem, it was a bug :( We've since fixed it though, so if you download the latest one - v18.2 - then you should be good to go.

FYI you can also get older releases from our mirror. They will require manual download. Once the template is in the right place on your proxmox server (/var/lib/vz/template/cache) then you should be able to launch one.

If you continue to have problems with WordPress (or any others), have other questions or would like to share some more feedback, please feel free to start a new thread here in the forums. I'll reply ASAP, but that may take a few days. Hopefully someone else might beat me to it.

Xsander's picture

Hello. I'm running Proxmox VE 8.2.4 on my home server, and already used few TurnKey LXCs without registration(turnkey-postgresql and turnkey-mysql), and they worked well.So i came here to register and get api key to try out more features like DDNS. I'm so sorry that so good product is been under spam attack for such a long time(as i can see it's a year already). Will my account be approved or no, i just want to say thank you for your priceless work to save people so much time configuring services!
my username is xsanderio13_2025335.
Have a great day!

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi there, welcome to TurnKey

Now you have a TurnKey website account, please feel free to start a new thread here in the forums if you have questions, problems and/or feedback. I'll reply ASAP, but that may take a few days.

If you want an API key, then you'll need to sign up for a (separate) TurnKey Hub account - thankfully the Hub signup doesn't involve the same hoop jumping that this did/does. If you have any Hub specific questions or problems, please ping me via the Hub support - expected response time is within one work day, usually less.

Matt Kolodzej's picture

Hello! I just started using the TurnKey Linux containers today in ProxMox and am trying to make this account so I can get an API Key for Nextcloud Turnkey install. I have a few Linux servers and mainly have used Unraid in the past and still do for my docker containers but Nextcloud does not run so well containerized.

Thanks for your time and appreciate I all your work!

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Matt, welcome to TurnKey

Please feel free to start a new thread here in the forums if you have questions, problems and/or feedback. I'll reply ASAP, but that may take a few days.

If you want an API key, then you'll need to sign up for a (separate) TurnKey Hub account - thankfully the Hub signup doesn't involve the same hoop jumping that this did/does. If you have any Hub specific questions or problems, please ping me via the Hub support (blue icon in the bottom right corner - or email support AT Expected response time is within one work day, usually less.

Andy Morris's picture


waiting for approval

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Andy, welcome to TurnKey

Please feel free to start a new thread here in the forums if you have questions, problems and/or feedback. I'll reply ASAP, but please be patient as it may take me a few days - if someone doesn't beat me to it.

BitingChaos's picture

Well, I'm here because I'm using Proxmox with some of the container templates it provides, many from TurnKey. During the TurnKey Fileserver setup it mentions putting in my API key, which requires registration.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Welcome to TurnKey.

Please feel free to start a new thread here in the forums if you have questions, problems and/or feedback. I'll reply ASAP, but that may take a few days.

The API key is optional, but if you want one, then you'll need to sign up for a (separate) TurnKey Hub account - thankfully the Hub signup doesn't involve the same hoop jumping that this did/does. If you have any Hub specific questions or problems, please ping me via the Hub support. Expected response time is within one work day, usually less.

Aaliyah Badar's picture

The username aaliyahbadar2k24_2025537 has not been activated or is blocked.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Welcome to TurnKey. Now you have a website account, please feel free to start a new thread here in the forums if you have questions, problems and/or feedback. I'll reply ASAP, but that may take a few days.

Apologies about the wait but we've had to make it like this as we were getting hammered by spam. I'm hoping to sort out something better ASAP but unfortunately I've been tied up with other stuff.

kirkserverhl's picture

I have submitted for a Turnkey approval and beleive that I am posting in the correct section. Over the past several months I have been studying system networking and have set up a three node proxmox cluster in which I am am developing network virtualization with ceph and ZFS storage. I have previously used the Turnkey Fileserver but did not set up with an API key. As I am familiarizing myself with VM and LXC deployment I am also hoping to learn how to improve and expand security and access options for the server. There are several other Turnkey appliances which I am interested in testing which is another reason I would like to setup this configuration. I am really enjoying everything I have learned so far, currently I am running servers for jellyfin, omv, adguard, homepage, docker, tipi, wireguard, pbx and a few other containers. My main goals now that I have the servers up and running is as mentioned to focus on more advanced configuration regarding security and access. Thanks!

Jeremy Davis's picture

Welcome to TurnKey.

Great to hear that you have been having a good experience with our appliances. You journey sounds interesting.

If you have questions, problems and/or feedback please start a new thread here in the forums. I'll reply ASAP.

If you want an API key, then you'll need to sign up for a (separate) TurnKey Hub account - thankfully the Hub signup doesn't involve the same hoop jumping that this did/does. If you have any Hub specific questions or problems, please ping me via the Hub support - expected response time is within one work day, usually less.

Jeremy's picture

Hi, I plan on running the email gateway domain controller

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Jeremy, welcome to TurnKey. Great name BTW :)

I you have questions, problems and/or feedback please start a new thread here in the forums and I'll reply ASAP.

Mateusz's picture

i have turnkey fileserver installed in an lxc that has a mountpoint thats 2.5tb and its totally clean no files, but when i add smb share to my pc it says it has 125gb of used capacity when no files are on this share why is that? when i do df -h it shows me that the mountpoint is only 1% full and has some killobytes of data so why the smb share says 125gb?

SheikhZilean's picture

Hello, my name is Adil, student as sysadmin, i'm here to join the turnkey community and i use Turnkey lxc appliance on my Proxmox server (wordpress 18.0.1)

i already asked for an account approval a weak ago but i had no answer

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Adil, apologies for the slow response.

I've been a bit snowed under and am only just catching up now. As you've hopefully seen in my reply to your earlier post, your account is now enabled.

Cam Russell's picture

Hello, I am an instrumentation and controls engineering manager who plays with Turnkey appliances on my two Dell servers at home.

Why? Because it is fun. My Email name comes from when I lived in southern Maryland while working at the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power plant. There is a river and Naval base in the area called Patuxent river and PAX River Naval Air Station (they do drone research).

My home computing environment has two Dell servers and I run a wide variety of Turnkey VMs. To name a few, I have two Samba AD Servers based on TurnKey Core GNU/Linux 15.0 (Debian 10/Buster) arranged in a redundant AD forest. Those I built from scratch. I have two Samba file servers in a redundant configuration with the distributed file system GFS2 running over top of DRBD and utilizing CTDB as the Samba interface.

Those were built from scratch using Turnkey Core GNU/Linux 16.1 (Debian 10/Buster). I also have a Apache Guacamole server for remote access to all my VMs, windows computers, appliances, etc, along with my OSSIM SIEM. The Guacamole implementation is installed on top of Turnkey LAMP 17.1 (Debian 11 - Bullseye). I have a squid based web proxy server I set up with SquidGuard and an ssl bump configuration using Turnkey Core GNU/Linux 16.1 (Debian 10/Buster).

More recently I just set up a software inventory server that utilizes OCS Inventory and runs on TurnKey LAMP Version 18.0 (Debian Bookworm). I have about 4 other VMs including things like my own OpenVPN server for cases when I want to connect directly to my infrastructure when I'm out travelling rather than going with a browser to launch RDP/VNC/SSH sessions through a browser using the Apache Guacamole interface... I hope all this helps. If you need further evidence that I am legit I can send you screen shots and scripts of my virtual appliance configs. :)

Be conservative in what you send, be liberal in what you accept - Jon Postel

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Cam, welcome to TurnKey.

Nice intro! :)

Sounds like you've been using TurnKey for a while and your setup sounds pretty cool.

If you have any questions, problems or want to share anything more, please feel free to start a new forum thread. Hope to see you around.

Richie's picture

Hi .

A new but "old" Turnkey user here. Trying to set up some lxc's and hoping to get to know Turnkey, etc a little better.

Struggling with graying hair, shrinking wallet and Tech that seems more complicated than the machine code I programmed in 40 years ago !!!

<waves shyly>


Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Richie, welcome to TurnKey! :)

TBH I had a go at machine code when I was a child and it did my head in! :)

But at the same time I totally get you re changing &/or new (to me or in general) tech. "Tech" is such a broad field these days, that expertise in one area often only gives you a vague head start in any other; if that.

Give me a Linux CLI and I'm super comfortable. But friends and family seem to think that because I'm "techy", that I can fix all their Windows and/or iProduct problems. Often I have to spend time searching online before I can even navigate around and find where to even start!

With regards to getting comfortable with TurnKey (and Linux in general), playing is key IMO. And if you're not breaking stuff sometimes, then you aren't playing hard enough! :D

Anyway, please feel free to start a new thread on the forums if you have any questions, problems or feedback for us. Hopefully catch you around.

just installed a turnkey file server. props for building something that runs so smooth as soon as i can i'll be making a donation to you guys or paying for support. keep up the good work I look forward to building more things with you all later.


Jeremy Davis's picture

Welcome aboard and I'm glad to hear that TurnKey is useful to you.

Any questions, problems or suggestions, please feel free to start a new thread in the forums.

Christian's picture

Hi to all,
I am new to trunkey appliances since yesterday and I try to figure out, if I could use one or some of them in future projects. So my hope is, that I am approved here as real human :-)
Cheers Christian

Advice is like snow; the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind. -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Christian, you're account is approved.

Hopefully see you about on the forums.

David Longo's picture

Hello! We run Proxmox on-premise, and have begun using the Turnkey File Server appliance. We're currently doing so using the LXC container, but if VM turns out to be the more reliable method, that's an option as well. I wouldn't mind paying for support, but I can't seem to find a paid support option for on-premise users. The only one I've found is for the cloud platform.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi David, welcome to TurnKey. :)

You are right and unfortunately we don't have a dedicated way to sign up for support for a local server. It would be ideal if we had that as an option. In the meantime though, we already do have a few users paying for support for on premises TurnKey. They are paying subscribers with the TurnKey Hub, but don't run any cloud servers. Instead we provide the same support for their local servers that we would if they were running a TurnKey cloud server. It does mean that an AWS account is still required (it's a requirement of the sign up process), but if you don't ran any cloud servers, then there will be no AWS charges.

Having said that, we do also have a built-in remote encrypted backup tool we call TKLBAM (TurnKey Backup And Migration) which links to Hub Backups (which keeps track of your backups). TKLBAM compresses and encrypts your data, then uploads it directly to AWS storage (not via the Hub). The backups are generally fairly small and AWS storage is relatively cheap. I have a few servers being backed up myself and the monthly storage costs are literally only a few dollars.

Regardless, if you want to chat about paid options you can get in touch with me the Hub "in app" support system (blue icon in the bottom right corner).

Peter's picture

I am a retired "Computer Mainframe expert" who is a radio ham "G4DCP" and am partally disabled so please excuse my dreadfull typing,
I am (to keep me active) experimenting with Proxmox and turnkeylinux.

I would much apreciate forum access and I will try to keep my poor typing to a minimum due to tremor from Parkingsons.
I have considerable experience in a wide range of fields but am finding it difficult to keep active with the field.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Glad to have you here.

If you have any questions, problems, suggestions and/or other feedback, please do not hesitate to start a new thread in the forums. And don't worry too much about your typing, I'm sure it will be fine. :)

DerStefan's picture

Im not a Spamer ;)

Jeremy Davis's picture

Your account has been enabled. Hopefully see you about on the forums. :)

Jon Podner's picture

I'm seeking account approval for turnkey. I'm using the canvas appliance for my school that I teach at and I'm having an issue with it and would love to post about it to see if I can get some help.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Please feel free to start a new thread on the forums. Please provide as much info as possible regarding your server and the issue/s you are experiencing. Canvas is a bit of a beast, so please be sure to share the resources that your server has. Also if you can provide info on how I can reproduce the issue would also be useful.

Patricio Gómez's picture

Hello i'am Patricio just waiting for aprovation


Jeremy Davis's picture

I've approved your account :)

Jayar Bass's picture

Hello, Turnkey!
Just found the web portal for this. I've just started out with PVE on my home server, and starting to set it up for python/ai/development learning and experimenting. I appreciate your time approving my account, but no rush. I'm still exploring. :)

Thanks to TurnKey for making the VM setup process SUPER simple!!!
Cheers for now!
- Jayar

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Jayar, welcome to TurnKey. Your account has been approved. Happy to have you onboard. If/when you have any issues, suggestions or other feedback, please feel free to open a new thread on the forums. Even if you'd just like to share what you've been up to! :)

Daniel's picture

Hello, I would like an account so that I may request help. I have installed turnkey-wireguard-18.0-bookworm-amd64 on a linux container in proxmox. Ran the init script, added a client, but I'm stuck at the next step: setting up a client. The instructions ask to choose client profile in inithooks, but when I run the python script again and select client, the script exits. I'm probably making a really silly mistake. Thanks in advance.

Jeremy Davis's picture

We've just applied a bugfix to the code that I'm almost certain is related to the issue you're experiencing. A new release is in the pipeline. I'm not sure when it will be ready, but should be soon.

In the meantime, you can download the updated/fixed files onto your server like this:

wget -O "/$_bin" "$_url/$_bin"
wget -O "/$_plugin" "$_url/$_plugin"

Hopefully that gets you going. Please let me know how you go.

Vincent Villeneuve's picture

Hello M. Davis,
I wish to get an approval.
Have a good day, Thx

Jeremy Davis's picture

I've just approved your account. Please feel free to open a new thread in the forums if you have questions, problems or other feedback. Hopefully see you around. :)

Alexzander's picture

Hello, people! Waiting for registration confirmation. I would like to test your infrastructure product sets along with API. Thanks.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Alexzander, your website account has been approved. So please feel free to open a new thread in our forums.

The process to get an API key is separate. You'll need to signup to the TurnKey Hub. Thankfully, you won't need to wait for me for your Hub account to be approved - approval over there is automatic. If you have any problems or questions regarding the TurnKey Hub, please ask via the Hub support. The general Hub support response time is within one work day.

Either way, I hope to speak again another day. :)

Mark Carey's picture

I'm interested in getting my account approved and potentially becoming a paying customer. I'm using the gitlab image for testing right now and want to see what the product prices look like for a general support kind of situation. I'm not sure how to convince you I'm real other than to point you at my github user (mcarey42). I exist, and I'm an open source kind of guy, so maybe that's enough? Sorry you're having trouble with spammers and jerks. Seems to be a lot of that going around these days.


TechGuy003's picture

Hi there. I recently came across TKL Fileserver in hopes of running it on ProxMox to provide share access(NFS/Samba) to my ZFS pool. I've run into an interesting issue after starting up a new TKL Fileserver container within a new ProxMox install. I also have pi-hole and a vanille ubuntu instance running without issues.

The issue seems to be that I can only ping/communicate with other containers hosted on ProxMox. I am unable to ping, the gateway, or other LAN devices. Since pi-hole is hosted locally in a container - it is able to resolve DNS queries, but cannot connect to the end points.

- Container used for TKL Fileserver: debian-12-turnkey-fileserver_18.0-1_amd64.tar.gz / Latest
- Latest ProxMox PVE 8.2.2 used as of 09.15.2024(Sep. 15th)
- Iptables rules are empty
- TIA for any help or advice

> root@turnkeyFS ~# cat /etc/pve/lxc/111.conf
arch: amd64
cores: 2
features: nesting=1
hostname: turnkeyFS
memory: 512
mp0: local-lvm:vm-111-disk-1,mp=/mnt/mydata,backup=1,size=100G
net0: name=eth0,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1,gw=,hwaddr=BC:24:11:5F:02:66,ip=,ip6=dhcp,type=veth
ostype: debian
rootfs: local-lvm:vm-111-disk-0,size=10G
swap: 512
unprivileged: 1

> root@turnkeyFS ~# ifconfig eth0
eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask broadcast
inet6 fe80::be24:11ff:fe5f:266 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link>
inet6 fd58:93cc:9fbe:8ed7:be24:11ff:fe5f:266 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x0<global>
ether bc:24:11:5f:02:66 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
RX packets 4435 bytes 823753 (804.4 KiB)
RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
TX packets 271 bytes 35603 (34.7 KiB)
TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0

> root@turnkeyFS ~# ip a
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host noprefixroute
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: eth0@if12: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether bc:24:11:5f:02:66 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netnsid 0
inet brd scope global eth0
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fd58:93cc:9fbe:8ed7:be24:11ff:fe5f:266/64 scope global dynamic mngtmpaddr
valid_lft 1687sec preferred_lft 1687sec
inet6 fe80::be24:11ff:fe5f:266/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Jeremy Davis's picture

Apologies for such a slow response. It's likely of no consolation, but I actually thought I'd already replied but obviously not. :( Have you managed to work it out at all? If so, please post back with what it was. Otherwise, read on...

I have a number of TKL appliances running locally on PVE and haven't ever hit that issue - other than once ages when I accidentally configuring guest network incorrectly. Although all my guests have been running for a while and I had only just updated Proxmox. So I launched a fresh fileserver LXC but I couldn't reproduce your issue. :(

I double checked the config on my freshly created LXC container against what you posted and it pretty much matched yours. The only one that seemed even vaguely relevant (albeit still unlikely IMO) Is that I don't have IPv6 enabled - although I wouldn't expect that to cause your issue. Although perhaps disabling that is worth a try?

The other differences seemed trivial and unrelated to your issue - but to be as explicit as possible:

  • no additional mount - just root volume
  • root volume on ZFS
  • different subnet:
  • different gateway - as would be expected on different subnet
  • different nameserver - again as would be expected on different subnet
  • gateway and nameserver IPs the same - as would be expected with a separate nameserver

I also compared the output of other commands you provided and beyond the results of the above noted differences, I couldn't see anything of significance.

You didn't mention whether you tried pinging external resources via IP. If you haven't, then I suggest you try that. If that works (but domain still doesn't) then obviously it's a name resolution issue (wrong nameserver IP? something blocking traffic between file server and nameserver?). If you can connect via IP, perhaps double check nameserver issue by using (Google public DNS).

Also you noted that there are no firewall rules configured. I'm assuming that you are referring to the PVE host? If you meant in the fileserver, then double check PVE firewall. FWIW TKL does have fw rules configured, but the fw is disabled by default so should be unrelated.

So TBH I'm stumped. Despite the fact that other servers are working as expected, the fact that your fileserver isn't, I can't help but think that it's something to do with your network.

Sorry that I can't provide anything of consequence...

TechGuy003's picture

I appreciate the very thorough response and the time you took to read over my issue. I did infact solve the problem and to bo honest, it still has me a little stumped. It seems one of the ports on my switch was being flaky - that's it. The way it presented itself was very peculiar indeed because I did in fact try pinging external networks via IP and still had no communication.
Tldr: network switch was the cause of the issue. Simply plugging into a different port(no, they were vlan tagged) or switch solved all the networking issues.
Maria Prada's picture


I'm Maria, and I've recently started working with Proxmox in my home lab. After reading about TurnKey Linux templates, I decided to give them a shot for my server setup. So far, I’ve been able to set up a few containers, and I’m really interested in using the backup and API features to streamline things.

I’ve been tinkering with Linux on and off for a couple of years now, mostly using it to run small personal projects, but now I want to expand and automate a few tasks. Excited to join the community and learn more!


Luan Philipe's picture

Hello, I am an IT manager at a University in Brazil and I was delighted to learn about Proxmox, OS containers and the turnkey project. We are gradually migrating our infrastructure to this structure and I would like to subscribe to the newsletter to stay up to date with all the news, learn more about this project and use the forum, which is why I am here.

Ian Daysh's picture

Creating a new account. Missed the details on the email (work commitments, and so far not been adversely affected me)
Anyhow, I'm running the debian-12-turnkey-nginx-php-fastcgi appliance on Proxmox.
As for email, the name is obvious, as for the domain, it's a hark back to the time I had hair styled in a particular fashion, and a gamertag back when I used to play Counter-Strike with a few friends about 20 years ago. Yup, oldskool gamer, and never been that great!

Ian Daysh's picture

I missed the detail in the email about needing to create a post here. Work and life commitments meant not reading the whole email.
Anyhow, I'm using the NGINX PHP FastCGI Server appliance on Proxmox.
Email address, name is obvious, domain name is based on the gamertag I used while playing Counter-Strike with friends about 20 years ago now.

Dariusz Woźniak's picture

I started to use turnkey lxc container images on Proxmox.
Thank you for this :)

Kind Regards, Darek Wozniak
Jay's picture

Greeting love what your doing with the site

Chris H.'s picture

Whutup, oh gods and goddesses of manual account approval! I'm here on a specific mission, setting up a down n dirty OpenLDAP appliance. So far....very impressed! You guys are providing a valuable service! I'm sure I will return to d/l other annoying one-off appliances such as WordPress, MySql etc.
So.... approve me....please? 😁

Jordan's picture

Looking to get them access yo! Im dealing with a issue of using the wordspress turnkey LXC for proxmox. Everything runs fun but when i get to the turnkey admin login console in the browser the password i put in during intsall doesnt work. I even logged in terminal and changed the admin password and still doesnt work only ends up blocking my computer ip. HELP! Love your stuff btw

Björn Boyd Isacsson's picture

So I installed a turnkey gameserver the other day, which I already found to be quite hard due to the poor documentation, only to run into a much harder problem yesterday. My steam game updated itself, and wouldn't allow me to join my outdated server.

So how do I update my turnkey game server? Well surprisingly, I found no ready built way to do it. Since it surely is one of the most common things a user would want to do once they have a gameserver, that is pretty shocking. Furthermore, there was no documentation about it.

After banging my head on my desk for an hour, I finally managed to find the solution. A single forum post on this forum, having asked the same question nearly 4 years ago, with the answer provided by the OP themselves. It was essentially to run the install script manually. But since you'd never seen this script from the start, since the initial setup is done using confconsole, this was essentially impossible to guess.

So why hasn't the documentation been updated, or the gameserver improved? Well that's why I wanted to post here, to see if I'm missing something obvious staring me down the eye. And if you read all the way to here, thanks for sticking with my somewhat drawn out post.

Paul Kirill's picture

Hello and thanks for all you do! Looking forward to approval, but no rush. :)

Michael's picture

I am trying out several turnkey servers, starting with Ansible and InvoiceNinja from a Proxmox server. I have been looking to try both of these and this seems like a great place to start. Thanks

Javier Sebastián Jalife's picture

I wish to get an approval.
Have a good day, Thx

Roman Masek's picture

Hello, I would like to use the system to try out an internal dashboard with Wordpress. The marketing department would like to test this.

s10p's picture

Hello, I was pointed to this site by a friend who is a developer. I downloaded the MySQL ISO, but have some questions about getting it up and running and am hoping to be able to ask questions in the forums.

Dany's picture

Hello and thank you for aprove my Account

Haris's picture

I came across turnkey via the templates offered in proxmox and was impressed by the simplicity and usefulness of the appliances. This is my first (guest) post to say thanks for making this available and to request account approval.

andy's picture

Hi awaiting approval
great website


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