Randy Smith's picture

Greetings. I'm a satisfied user of TKL Lamp image. I have recently had to rebuild my web server because of my bad backup habits. I was thrilled to learn about TKLBAM and began an initial backup of 74.36gb to AWS S3. It's been almost 2 days now. The process is still running, but I'm concerned because I don't understand how to view it's progress if any.

Today, I install TKL Lamp 11.0 RC on my spare server, which I hope to restore to. I created an initial backup (.39 sec, 1.12 MB), upgraded Webmin, backed up again (.41 sec, 318 KB), and yet a third backup with no changes (.40 sec, 164 KB).

Am I being too impatient? Is something stuck?

Thank you for your help in this matter.

I was able to veiw the progress of the backup by downloading the Usage Report from AWS. It's showing approx 550MB - 625MB being uploaded per hour. Hmmm.... 6 days. I may have to think about setting up an internal target for this backup & restore.

Jeremy Davis's picture

Here in Australia unless you can get fibre (come on NBN...) then even with ADSL2+ and decent download speeds, uploads are still only max 1Mbps (unless you want to pay ridiculous amounts of money). Going by some quick and dirty calculations that for me is a max of only about 10GB per day! Obviously you got a bit better connection than me!

Liraz Siri's picture

TKLBAM uses Duplicity on its backend, and Duplicity in turn uses Boto. The way it uploads to Amazon S3 is highly redundant so if an upload of a volume fails it will retry over and over again until it succeeds. On slow links you may want to try setting TKLBAM to use a smaller volume size (see /etc/tklbam/conf). The default is 50MB which may be too large for your circumstances. If the upload fails at 49MB it will have to restart uploading the volume all over again. Amazon have added the ability to resume upload so this will be probably resolved in future versions. I don't know if that's the particular issue you are experiencing though. It probably has something to do with your network. Maybe ISP throttling.

To shed light on network issues I recommend you take a look at the following tools:

apt-get install nload iptraf
They're really simple, they work in the console and I use them often myself.

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