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Julian - Fri, 2011/03/04 - 13:40
Are there any plans to release a version of Turnkey Django with python-django version 1.2?
Currently it uses 1.1.1 but there are lot's of new features in 1.2.
Alternatively is it easy to upgrade django to 1.2 on the turneky box once it's installed?
Many Thanks
If Django was installed from...........
package management an upgrade should work.
To test this run dpkg -l django, it will show the package version if it was installed this way.
If it was installed from source it won't.
If it was through package management , and a new .deb package is available for Ubuntu 10.04 download it and run: dpkg -i django.xxxxx.deb to install it.
If it was installed from source things get a bit sticky and I'd have to look over the appliance to see what is involved.
IN ALL CASES use tklbam-backup to do a full backup first! :-)
I doubt it will be upgraded to 1.2
Not yet anyway. ATM TKL Django uses the Ubuntu packaged version from the main repo. This means that it gets guaranteed security updates (automatically in TKL) until 2015. From a dev (maintenance) perspective that upstream support is hard to walk away from.
Having said that I notice that 1.2.1 is in the backports testing PPA so it should make it's way into the official backports repo eventually. Until then you could add the PPA to your repos and help them test. I'm not sure about the updates in the backport repo though. Even though it's an official repo I think they are only community supported (like universe and muliverse) so no guarantees on timely security updates AFAIK.
If you've already started with LAMP that's fine
Otherwise if you still want to remove old Django from the appliance then I'm pretty sure it's installed with package management so remove it like this (assuming you have your data and settings backed up):
Sorry my bad...
It seems the package name is python-django. Try removing that. For future reference, on the appliance page it says that it's installed from package management so I had a quick look at the appliance manifest (link on appliance page) and did a text search for django...
PS mod-wsgi should be installable from packagem management although I haven't confirmed. This is for an older version of Ubuntu but is hopefully still relevant:
If you need v1.4 then best build it yourself
I would suggest you base on LAMP appliance. Because it is much higher maintenance to install from upstream (and therefor much more secure to use Debian packages - they are maintained by Debian developers and have security patches backported) by the time TKL release an appliance with Django 1.4 is released it too will be 'out of date'. I'm guessing that there is some fnctionality missing in the installed version?
Perhaps you should consider seeing of others are interested in working together to create a Django 1.4 patch that you can then all share....!?
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