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Steve McAndrew - Fri, 2011/04/08 - 19:51
I'm probably missing something simple but I've tried from every angle I can think of.
I created a new local/samba user via shellinabox and set it's home to /home/smcandrew
That works great and I can access the share via smb from Windows. I then log into extplorer and create the same user and point it's home directory to /home/smcandrew. Seems to work until I then log into extplorer with the new users credentials and am unable to create or upload new files or folders. Like there's a permissions problem but I can't figure out where. Same username and password on the local account and extplorer.
Any ideas?
This post seems to answer my question:
Putting it here in the event someone finds my post while searching on the same issue.
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