I've installed magento on VirtualBox pc.
when I access (from host) the guest pc, I receive thie error:
Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.
Error log record number: 177749780
what does it mean?
what I can do?
Not sure if the same problem
But you may find something of interest on this forum topic.
To troubleshoot you'll need to enable error reporting
From my understanding Magento has proper error reporting disabled by default (supposedly a security feature...?) As I mentioned in the other TKL thread (that I linked to above) if you wish to work out exactly what is going on you'll first need to enable proper error reporting. There is a link to a page that I think would be useful on the other thread but for your convienience here it is again.
Good luck and if you get it worked out, it'd be great if you can post back.
Not sure...
I just tested it and it all seemed to work ok to me (Magento Micro instance launched from Hub). However it wouldn't let me log into the admin account. I'm assuming that must have been because of a typo when I launched it or something...?
I don't think Magento Runs as a Micro Instance
I have tried this several times and my expereince is that Magento will not Run as a Micro Instance. Magento needs too much firepower... Too Bad Amazon won't let you know though... It will run as a Small Install, but that is quite anohter level cost wise (I am just doing the math as we speak).
That being said, there may be other reasons that it won't run. Every other TKL Ap I have tried will install a Micro Instance.
Note also, that a "straight" install from Backup to Cloud probs.
I can't do a straight Magento "Restore this Backup to new Cloud Server" either...
Can't get into MySQL to reset the Admin and FrontEnd URL's in Magento. Can get into Webmin though.
For Now I am working on a Fresh Install with a TKL Restore over the Top.. Much Slower than attempt #1 unfortunately.
Re Attempt #1 I saw an old reference to where the passwords are stored but was not something I could get working.. May try again.
Looking for now like the Log Files are "over the top"
Magento is showing up at 60 GB in my own Server...Log Datafiles are Big (about 180k Records each) Likely another case of the Baud Spider wreaking havoc on the log files?
I don't think this will get through the 10G Volum that I set for S3.
I still don't think that Magento is running Cron Properly (to clean the Log Files etc).. but who knows. Maybe someone out there knows how to check this?
Several hours later, still no "Restore" to S3 Amazon
I won't turn it off... something may happen overnight, but no Restore occuring to a Cloud New, followed by Restore in TKLBAM.
I am seeing the "last full backup date" and expect something will show up sometime.
Sorry to not "reply" to specific Posts earlier.
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