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Y.F. - Mon, 2011/06/06 - 23:50
I have simple question: do turnkey linux servers come with wifi support?
I've installed the file server iso on a laptop (not as a VM) and wired networking works fine. When I want to use the wifi it can't find anything (meaning, in the admin utility the ntworking section finds eth0 and eth1, but neither can find a network or get an ip). I could not find the iwconfig tool either.
So - can I use a wireless network card in a turnkey fresh installation? If so, which tools do I have to set it up (select a network, set encription protocol and password?)
Not supported out of the box, but supported
You'll need to install the following packages to get wireless support. You can configure everything on the cli, including connecting to encrypted networks. I have crib notes lying around somewhere, so if googling doesn't help, let me know and I'll try find them.
OK, sounds simple,
OK, sounds simple, but...
First I made sure I am connected to the internet (wired) with a simple ping to google.
Then I issued the apt-get update command. I get a [waiting for headers] reply with 0% for a very very long time. I guess apt-get can't find the repositories?
How can I overcome this?
Are you behind a proxy?
If so, you need to tell apt about it. It's quite simple to do, take a look here.
Not behind a proxy.
No, I am not behind a proxy.
Here is the full output when I try to do it from the web-admin interface:
I tried pinging the server and could not get to it.
Any ideas?
I just tested it and it seems to load ok here
So my guess would be some sort of networking issue. The fact that you can ping google suggests that you are at least getting some network connectivity. In my experience ISP's default DNS service can be a bit flakey, so the first thing I'd do to eliminate that as a possible issue would be to set your nameserver to (Google's own DNS) which I have never had problems with. The easiest way is to set it in the TKL Conf Console.
Also, even though it shouldn't be an issue, personally I'd do it from the commandline rather than Webmin.
Still no go.
I changed the nameserver and verified it:
Then made sure I can ping something else in Israel:
Then I tried pinging the repository but it can not be reached:
I can ping just fine.
When using the webshell I can not run
either, it is stuck on [waiting for headers].
Anything else I can try? Changing the repositories maybe? I am afraid I will use the wrong ones though.
Try using the default ubuntu archive
As Jeremy mentioned, you should update the nameserver in the configuration console, not manually in /etc/resolv.conf as any changes will be overwritten.
Anyway, I confirmed that does not reply to pings, so that isn't the problem. I also confirmed that I can use the archive and it is working as expected, so something is strange.
Try using the default ubuntu archive:, by updating /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sources.list and security.sources.list
I am starting to think it is
I am starting to think it is some local networking problem outside the scope of turnkey linux issues.
I am not using my regualr network here, and looking a bit more into it I found that while my windows machines all connect to the internet just fine, none of my linux machine can access the web, though they can all ping servers.
All of the machines are using manual IP configuraitons, and similar ones, so I am still a bit puzzeled.
I will try it on another network later on and see what I get.
If you have any ideas about this behaviour I would appreciate the help, but it does not seem to be a turnkey linux issue so I understand if we just close this thread for now.
Thanks for the help,
Hmm strange...
[edit] In light of Alon's comment above, this post is no longer relevant. I'll leave it here anyway.
Just pinged it and not getting any response!?! Perhaps it's a bit flakey? Although that would strike me as strange seeing as it's the official Israel country mirror! Despite this there are other mirrors. The official list of Ubuntu archive mirrors can be found here. Or just use (although it may be a little slow - even though the mirror you are using is a sub-domain, it's actually on a local server, or at least should be). For your convienience, here is the only one listed for Israel.
Perhaps check connectivity first though by pinging it. Then alter your sources.list file(s). To be on the safe side create backups of them before you do anything:
then edit the files with nano (nano source.list) replacing the url, save (<Ctrl><x>) then try again.
Wifi command line crib notes
Even if you don't need them, maybe someone else who finds this thread will, so here they are:
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