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Samurai Jack - Thu, 2011/06/23 - 06:06
Hi, I would like to request a CMS VM that is not yet available on your site.
The CMS is called OCPortal . I think it is a very cool CMS. Please check it out.
I hope to see it on Turnkey Linux soon.
Looks interesting
And a quick glance over it, it looks like it'd be pretty easy to build a TKL OCPortal appliance on top of TKL LAMP. If you want to increase the chances of seeing it as an appliance consider creating a TKLPatch of it. The documentation is pretty good but if you have any questions feel free to ask.
Today I am going to try to
Today I am going to try to add FeinCMS to the Django appliance...sometimes it's just a matter of loading the added function-extension after installing the appliance. I hope I don't bork it by using the fein instructions vs the tklpatch way. Gonna find out soon enough I just don't know enough about methods yet :)
PS Checked it out..that app has everything I want for my portal built in. I vote for it.
Oh btw...If I vote for something here it doesn't mean hey TKL get means I'll work on it at least to the point of being testable-usable to others too...I think Jeremy sets the example of that and I will follow how he contribs. He's a good example of a TKL helper to the 2 man team.
I.E. if I use it I'll help with it here and other related groups-communities.
Thank you Tom
I just do what I can. I consider myself low-level support! :) Pretty much everything I know about Linux I've learned here (or through helping people here). It's a small but vibrant community IMO with a very friendly vibe going on.
But back on topic... My workflow for creating patches (not that I've completed many, started lots, but only completed one to date, so please don't make too much of an example of me and the way I do things!)
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