My understanding is that CMS systems do not produce standard html documents that can be accessed or moved around in the same way a standard static web page can. They are not like a website authouring tool as such. As far as I know, the web page that one sees online is actually created dynamically by the server (your TKL Joomla appliance in this instance) and does not exist as an html page as such.
So my (educated guess) answer to your query is that your website exists as a series of data in a database and within config files, rather than a static 'website' that can be accessed in the way that you want.
But perhaps I've got it all wrong - if so, someone please correct me!
I know nothing but...
My understanding is that CMS systems do not produce standard html documents that can be accessed or moved around in the same way a standard static web page can. They are not like a website authouring tool as such. As far as I know, the web page that one sees online is actually created dynamically by the server (your TKL Joomla appliance in this instance) and does not exist as an html page as such.
So my (educated guess) answer to your query is that your website exists as a series of data in a database and within config files, rather than a static 'website' that can be accessed in the way that you want.
But perhaps I've got it all wrong - if so, someone please correct me!