I re-installed Turnkey LAMP on my server, just leaving all the default settings. After installing LAMP, the default directory for your web site is (/var/www/). I created a new folder for my web site at (/var/www/green90/) and installed my web site in that dierectory. To call the web site you have to use the following (Where is my server IP. So you leave out the (var/www/), and add your page at the end that you would like to connect to. This just shows you how such a simple thing can complicate your life as it took me more than 10 hours to figure out. Hope this helps someone else. Enjoy.
Hi Everybody, I solved it!
I re-installed Turnkey LAMP on my server, just leaving all the default settings. After installing LAMP, the default directory for your web site is (/var/www/). I created a new folder for my web site at (/var/www/green90/) and installed my web site in that dierectory. To call the web site you have to use the following (Where is my server IP. So you leave out the (var/www/), and add your page at the end that you would like to connect to. This just shows you how such a simple thing can complicate your life as it took me more than 10 hours to figure out. Hope this helps someone else. Enjoy.
Thank You JedMeister