Jeremy Davis's picture

And current Debian stable does not provide a stable version of Samba4 in it's main repos, it seems unlikely that it would be developed inhouse. Obviously there are third party options for installing Samba4 but as they risk making the appliance less secure and/or less stable they are not ideal. Probably one of the most promising is that Wheezy backports provides Samba 4.1 although it would probably be best to offer a Samba4 appliance alongside the current appliance rather than instead of. Also the fact that AFAIK there is no Webmin module for configuring Samba4 so newbs may well struggle to adjust it to their needs...

Having said all that, please feel free to push development of a Samba4 File Server appliance. The current TKLDev File Server appliance build code is on GitHub here. Fork to your heart's content! We'd love your help on this! :)