I've taken a look at the logs, as did Jeremy, and everything should be OK - unfortunately it isn't in reality, which I'm sorry about.
We don't have access to Amazon's billing system, so we can't peek inside to see what is wrong with your account. We can only interface with their API, which returns either True or False, but no explanation as to why in the case of False.
If I recall correctly, we've had a handful of issues similar to this in the past, which turned out to be a glitch on Amazon's side. In those cases, the users contacted Amazon (who did something), and then when they clicked on the 'go to application', everything worked immediately.
So, the only thing I can recommend at this stage, is contacting application-payments@amazon.com explaining the issue and asking them to review your account. Please cc Jeremy and/or myself so if they have questions we'll be ready to help.
Again, sorry about this. We'll continue to help the best we can until you're back up and running.
Sorry about the back and forth...
I've taken a look at the logs, as did Jeremy, and everything should be OK - unfortunately it isn't in reality, which I'm sorry about.
We don't have access to Amazon's billing system, so we can't peek inside to see what is wrong with your account. We can only interface with their API, which returns either True or False, but no explanation as to why in the case of False.
If I recall correctly, we've had a handful of issues similar to this in the past, which turned out to be a glitch on Amazon's side. In those cases, the users contacted Amazon (who did something), and then when they clicked on the 'go to application', everything worked immediately.
So, the only thing I can recommend at this stage, is contacting application-payments@amazon.com explaining the issue and asking them to review your account. Please cc Jeremy and/or myself so if they have questions we'll be ready to help.
Again, sorry about this. We'll continue to help the best we can until you're back up and running.