Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Bill, yes we are still very active!

It's just we are a small team (2 core devs and myself) and there is so much to do. In particular we have had some urgent work going on behind the scenes (which has taken much longer than we anticipated - as seems to be the norm in the IT world...).

Despite the fact that we subscribe to the 'release when ready' schedule; historically we have always tried to provide refreshed/updated images every six months +/-.

Obviously that has slipped and we are now way overdue. Part of the problem is that the internal infrastructure config we use requires updates of all images at the same time (which we also intend to tweak), but some require more manual maintenance than others. We were probably about 50% of the way through the update/refresh process about 6 months ago, when an urgent behind-the-scenes issue arose and our attention got diverted...

Whilst I am onboard now (for roughly the last 12 mths) to help out; I mostly do community/customer/partner stuff e.g. posting on the forums, answering emails, initial support contact and issue triage (if I con't deal with it directly), signing up new hosting partners, etc. Whilst I am pretty handy (if I don't say so myself) and know my way around TurnKey pretty well; doing the whole library refresh (100+ images in multiple build formats) is well beyond my abilities (at least at this point in time anyway). So we need to wait for the current 'behind the scenes' work to be complete. Then with Alon and Liraz back onboard 100%; we'll be all over it! :)

So whilst that may give you some context, it doesn't really directly help you in your current situation. So perhaps if you could explain in a little more detail what you are trying to achieve and how you hope to go about it, I may be able to advise how TurnKey can help and what the best way around it might be...

Also FWIW the TurnKey WordPress appliance build code automatically installs the latest WP version. If you intend to do multiple local bare-metal or VM installs then I would suggest that you use TKLDev to build your own up-to-date TurnKey WordPress ISO (that you can then install from USB stick). On face value that may seem like a big ask, but it's actually pretty straight forward...