Jeremy Davis's picture

Although installing all the software you want direct into a single install is probably the lowest resource usage. Depending on the specs that may actually be the best way to go. Obviously though that's not the easy way and certainly not very "TurnKey".

Also there is a catch with LXC - the new v14.0 isn't yet available... So if you go that way you'll need to use the old v13.0 build which is quite dated now. Or wait... (Or test v13.0 while you wait :)

What are the apps that you are looking to combine? If they are all web apps then I'd suggest that you start with one of the webserver appliances and then install the software yourself (all onto the one server). Apache is probably the most user friendly and forgiving; but also heavy on resources (esp RAM). Nginx is arguably the best performance wise but not so user friendly. The other webserver we have is LigHTTPd (aka Lighty); another lighter weight webserver.