Liraz Siri's picture

Thanks for the feedback Adrian. Looking forward to more!

Navigation: I'll do a bit more experimenting on my dev VM and see how your suggestions regarding navigation work out.

Colors: As I responded to Jed I've tried replacing the colors on the front tab but I don't know if I've made them better or worse for people with normal color vision. If you could play around in FireBug and suggest an alternative color that looks better but is still distinct that would be helpful.

Search: The appliance search filter and the front page filters are implemented in an entirely different way so you're discovery is unsurprising. Anyone that bangs on them enough will discover that they are in fact both imperfect. I'm hoping they're good enough for the time being. Future improvements will probably involve switching out to something entirely different (e.g., a custom module that ties into the Apache Solr API).