I have been looking at the landscape a bit around Odoo. The subject of EOL and usability are 2 different things. At present there is a very rich use model for Odoo 8 and considerable Open Source involvment moving beyond in v9, v10, v11 and v12.
At V9, Odoo changed their License model and it started that there was a Enterprise and Community situation appearing.
It appears that the Community versions are alive and well. I don't know what was lifted from Community to Enterprise just now but I think very much can be done. Odoo Community Association (OCA) has many backports and forwardports between versions of practical uses. Also https://apps.odoo.com/apps shows the full landscape and even shows addons dating back much forther than V8 into the OpenERP era.
I think the big issue though is going to be around living with either V2.7 or v 3x Python. The full move by Odoo to Python 3 I understand to be in v12 and was able to use both in v11.
Python itself is making v2 x EOL in January 2020. I think it will be able to still run Python 2x programs but there will be no updates and who knows what will happen with the whole PIP mechanisms for v2.
Similar subjects for Debian versions and the TKL foundations of the TKL Odoo Ap.
That all said, I think it will be possible to still run the V8 (TKL 14) App.
To Migrate the V8 to V11/V12 etc Odoo via TKL will need to be worked through. Someone has likely done it already keeping data intact. That said, I have not seen reference to such. OCA OpenUpgrade should be usable for that process. It might be possible w/ TKLBAM and OpenUpgrade to actually make it happen (thinking it will be more manual than that though).
Odoo's (the company's) major sin, imho, is how they have always kept their inhouse upgrade process very much off the radar. They can do it though with their own tools.
If I can get a process worked through on upgrading I will post it somewhere here.
Re Versions etc...
I have been looking at the landscape a bit around Odoo. The subject of EOL and usability are 2 different things. At present there is a very rich use model for Odoo 8 and considerable Open Source involvment moving beyond in v9, v10, v11 and v12.
Follow this link then browse through the different branches. https://github.com/odoo/odoo/tree/9.0
I wish TKL had such good branch organization:
At V9, Odoo changed their License model and it started that there was a Enterprise and Community situation appearing.
It appears that the Community versions are alive and well. I don't know what was lifted from Community to Enterprise just now but I think very much can be done. Odoo Community Association (OCA) has many backports and forwardports between versions of practical uses. Also https://apps.odoo.com/apps shows the full landscape and even shows addons dating back much forther than V8 into the OpenERP era.
I think the big issue though is going to be around living with either V2.7 or v 3x Python. The full move by Odoo to Python 3 I understand to be in v12 and was able to use both in v11.
Python itself is making v2 x EOL in January 2020. I think it will be able to still run Python 2x programs but there will be no updates and who knows what will happen with the whole PIP mechanisms for v2.
Similar subjects for Debian versions and the TKL foundations of the TKL Odoo Ap.
That all said, I think it will be possible to still run the V8 (TKL 14) App.
To Migrate the V8 to V11/V12 etc Odoo via TKL will need to be worked through. Someone has likely done it already keeping data intact. That said, I have not seen reference to such. OCA OpenUpgrade should be usable for that process. It might be possible w/ TKLBAM and OpenUpgrade to actually make it happen (thinking it will be more manual than that though).
Odoo's (the company's) major sin, imho, is how they have always kept their inhouse upgrade process very much off the radar. They can do it though with their own tools.
If I can get a process worked through on upgrading I will post it somewhere here.