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Jeremy, it has been a while but I certainly have been lurking in the background.

Its the same old story, busy busy busy.

Great thing is I have been heavily involved in setting up TKL within small businesses with some great outcomes.

I would dearly love to contribute again and am working towards that goal.

So to the issue at hand...

I need to get some more detail and fire it back to this thread.

I get the same error between my wifes and my own hub account but I really have not done any troubleshooting. I am almost convinced I have done something mindless but as mentioned I did swap out my old pfsense firewall for clearos and thats when the issue arose.

It complains the hash is wrong but I am not sure where or how it generates this.

Will update later, right now I am all linuxed out...

Chris Musty


Specialised Technologies