You can echo any text you like, but obviously it will only be a line at most.
When you need more complex input, you can write "answers" text which can be fed into the command. This is often called a "here document" (I don't know why?) E.g., feeding a carriage return, a 'y' and the bash path into a "command":
command <<EOF
Note the '<<EOF' at the end of the command line, and again at the very end of the statement. Everything between those pointers will be literally passed to "command", so you won't want any leading space (the "command" line can still be indented, but not from then on until after the second 'EOF'). Any special characters which you don't want interpreted (e.g. if you want to include a '$') need to be escaped (e.g. '\$').
Just had a quick look at your whiteboard page
You can echo any text you like, but obviously it will only be a line at most.
When you need more complex input, you can write "answers" text which can be fed into the command. This is often called a "here document" (I don't know why?) E.g., feeding a carriage return, a 'y' and the bash path into a "command":
Note the '<<EOF' at the end of the command line, and again at the very end of the statement. Everything between those pointers will be literally passed to "command", so you won't want any leading space (the "command" line can still be indented, but not from then on until after the second 'EOF'). Any special characters which you don't want interpreted (e.g. if you want to include a '$') need to be escaped (e.g. '\$').
Hope that helps... :)