Jeremy Davis's picture

Regarding those who use a GUI and those that read the docs, you are probably right. I'm somewhat speaking from my own experience and possibly extrapolating that beyond the point I should?!

I came from Windows (with a bit of batch commandline experience, but mostly GUI user). TBH, I actually found the Webmin Apache module a bit confusing. But the Apache docs were awesome and allowed me to get up and running (via commandline) in no time. TBH I found the Nginx docs a bit dense and I must admit that even now, I often need to google when I'm working with Nginx.

Regardless, I'm keen to see Nginx used more in our appliances.

As another heads up though, we'll be moving to MariaDB for v15.0 too. In case you haven't come across it before, MariaDB is a fork of MySQL. It started when the original MySQL dev and many of the MySQL dev team jumped ship when Oracle bought out Sun (who own MySQL). Currently MariaDB is a drop in replacement for MySQL. So you shouldn't notice any fundamental difference.