Apologies that this release is so far behind schedule... We're finally getting there though!
I hope to have the AWS builds up ASAP. I'll likely need to do that in batches of ~10-20 (otherwise they get a bit overwhelmed) so any specific requests on what you'd like to see prioritised?
At this point I was planning on definitely including Core, LAMP and WordPress (our most popular appliances), but I'd welcome any specific requests that you (or anybody else) has on ones to prioritise for the first batch.
I'm not sure when the first batch will be up, but hopefully within the next week or 2 (it's essentially in their hands). Please be aware that there is a chance that their scanner may pick up something it doesn't like. That would delay things a little more as we'd have to work around that. I'll make an effort to keep you updated on that though.
Re TKLX, unfortunately the development of that has again been pushed back, AGAIN :(
A while ago, we made a start in partnership with another organisation. But they ended up changing direction and unfortunately and we parted ways. We also (temporarily) lost the developer (Anton) who was working on it. So under those circumstance, we had to re-prioritise.
I'm still super keen to push forward with it. And Anton is now back with us. Once v15.0 is finalised, I'm hoping that I can get it back on track. See how we go...
Thanks for your kind words Tim :)
Apologies that this release is so far behind schedule... We're finally getting there though!
I hope to have the AWS builds up ASAP. I'll likely need to do that in batches of ~10-20 (otherwise they get a bit overwhelmed) so any specific requests on what you'd like to see prioritised?
At this point I was planning on definitely including Core, LAMP and WordPress (our most popular appliances), but I'd welcome any specific requests that you (or anybody else) has on ones to prioritise for the first batch.
I'm not sure when the first batch will be up, but hopefully within the next week or 2 (it's essentially in their hands). Please be aware that there is a chance that their scanner may pick up something it doesn't like. That would delay things a little more as we'd have to work around that. I'll make an effort to keep you updated on that though.
Re TKLX, unfortunately the development of that has again been pushed back, AGAIN :(
A while ago, we made a start in partnership with another organisation. But they ended up changing direction and unfortunately and we parted ways. We also (temporarily) lost the developer (Anton) who was working on it. So under those circumstance, we had to re-prioritise.
I'm still super keen to push forward with it. And Anton is now back with us. Once v15.0 is finalised, I'm hoping that I can get it back on track. See how we go...