Alon Swartz's picture

Hi Michel, I think there are still some mis-understandings, I'll try clear them up.



  • root (OS account): this is the user account you use to log in to the webshell, webmin or via SSH. This in mainly needed for server administration. When launching via the Hub, you may set the root password in the field "Root Password". As mentioned above, this is optional. If you don't specify a password it will be random.
  • root (MySQL account): this is the mysql account you can use to log into PhpMyAdmin and administer the database itself. It's a mandatory field when launching via the Hub.
  • admin (Magento account): this is the administrative account you use to administer Magento itself. You can log into the Magento admin interface by going to https://<domain_you_set_at_launch>/admin

Other comments:

  • The VT Terminal you are referring to is the webshell. It connects you to the command line of the server for administrative purposes. You might be more comfortable with webmin (the web based management system).
  • I think you are trying to connect to the Magento application itself, in which case you should be browsing to the domain you set during launch. There is a gotcha though, please see this thread for more details.

I hope the above helps.