TBH, I haven't hit that before and I'm not sure on the mechanism of why it would do that, but thanks for confirming that is the issue.
You're most welcome on the assistance. Thanks for your kind words. And glad to hear that you got to the bottom of it.
To add an additional option to assist you to work around this, perhaps autofs is worthy of further investigation? TBH, I've never used it myself, but from a glance it looks like it may be perfect for your purposes?! The man page will probably give some more insight, plus I found a tutorial that might also assist. Note the tutorial is a bit dated, but will hopefully be near enough (especially if considered in context to the current Stretch man page).
Glad to hear that you're loving the Hub. Sorry about the hiccup we just had! Hopefully I'll hear back from my colleague Alon once he's investigated a bit more deeply.
Thanks for the confirmation.
TBH, I haven't hit that before and I'm not sure on the mechanism of why it would do that, but thanks for confirming that is the issue.
You're most welcome on the assistance. Thanks for your kind words. And glad to hear that you got to the bottom of it.
To add an additional option to assist you to work around this, perhaps autofs is worthy of further investigation? TBH, I've never used it myself, but from a glance it looks like it may be perfect for your purposes?! The man page will probably give some more insight, plus I found a tutorial that might also assist. Note the tutorial is a bit dated, but will hopefully be near enough (especially if considered in context to the current Stretch man page).
Glad to hear that you're loving the Hub. Sorry about the hiccup we just had! Hopefully I'll hear back from my colleague Alon once he's investigated a bit more deeply.