Jeff Dagenais's picture

Using only lxc instances, I examined a before and after of the tklbam-restore --skip-packages --limit='-/etc' of a 14.0 backup to 15.0.

To be completely clear, the before is tk redmine 15.0 on lxc, the after is this same system, after a tklbam-restore -skip-packages --limit='-/etc' 37 (where the backup was made on tk redmine 14.0 using "tklbam-backup --skip-packages" and "-/etc" is excluded. (not "-/etc/*" as in my previous post).

The only unexplained change I see in /etc after the restore is /etc/passwd that gets modified, the sshd user got it's home dir modified from /run/sshd to /var/run/sshd ... ? Of course, in the end, /var/run points to /run so not a big issue... just strange.