Jeremy Davis's picture

Just did a quick google and found this. It looks like the bug is due to a missing method. FWIW in our v14.x Dokuwiki appliances (based on Debian 8/Jessie), we used the Debian package (as discussed in that thread). For v15.0 (based on Debian 9/Stretch), we install from upstream source (i.e. direct from the developers) as the package didn't make it into Debian Stretch.

From my reading, it appears that that thread includes a number of ways to work around the bug. Either manually editing the specific code, rebuilding from source package (and applying the specified patch), or downloading and installing the third party binary deb file. Unfortunately, it appears that it's still not fixed in the Debian repos. Hopefully a fixed package will be uploaded sometime soon, but as Debian Jessie has now moved to LTS, I'm not sure how long it might take.

I can't vouch for the fix, nor the third party files, but on face value they all appear legit.

Note that under "normal" circumstances, it is not recommended to manually adjust package managed file (e.g. files within the /usr/share path). However, under these circumstance, it is legit. Worst case scenario is that a future update (perhaps a security update which fixes something else, but doesn't include this particular fix) might re-break it.

Please let us know how you go.