Jeremy, I really don't know what I did wrong while searching the web for hours but I wasn't able to find what you did quickly...
I just followed the instruction in your link and installed a fixed deb-file from the mentioned site. And wow, what should I say: the media manager and the sitemap in my dokuwiki is working like a charm again!
So Jeremy, thank you very very much for your fast and excellent support, great work!
hey Jeremy! :)
Jeremy, I really don't know what I did wrong while searching the web for hours but I wasn't able to find what you did quickly...
I just followed the instruction in your link and installed a fixed deb-file from the mentioned site. And wow, what should I say: the media manager and the sitemap in my dokuwiki is working like a charm again!
So Jeremy, thank you very very much for your fast and excellent support, great work!
Best regards,