Jeremy Davis's picture

Unfortunately I haven't got time to test this myself but I would try checking that the conf file (in the patch) has execute permissions. You will need to manually extact the patch in your appliance and check the conf file. Once you are finished you don't need to re tar the folder, just use the untarred folder location rather than the patch file itself.

I've just had a quick look over the patch and I can't see any issues but I'm at work at the moment (on Windows) and haven't got time to fire up a VM and test it for you. Hopefully over the weekend I will get a chance. OTOH you could check permissions yourself. If you are unfamilar with Linux then you can do this via Webmin. You could also just run the commands from the conf file individually (ie copy-paste). The only one you will want to substitue is the install line (and the 2 lines preceeding), just use "apt-get install cacti".