That was a new (to me at least) and quite cheeky spam vector! And it got them past our spam filters! As you no doubt noticed, it was more-or-less a verbatim copy of a previous post of mine, but they changed the links to point to the sites they were trying to promote!
Anyway, Odoo sounds like it's going to suit your purposes. Although unless you use some of the additional functionality and/or "apps", it may be a little overkill (it's essentially a web based application framework). OTOH, if it works for you, fantastic! :)
Re Let's Encrypt, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but Confconsole has a Let's Encrypt plugin which should work OOTB. It doesn't support wildcard certificates, but so long as you include all of the domains and sub-domains you are hosting, it should server the purpose. Having said that, I'm not 100% clear of your PDX requirements re TLS cert, so not 100% sure how that will work.
If you use it though, keep in mind that when it updates the certs it will "hijack" port 80 (to host the challenges). As a general rule it's fairly quick, but does stop and start the webserver, so it might be worth ensuring that the cron runs at a time when it's unlikely that your server is in use.
Grrr... Bloody spammers!
That was a new (to me at least) and quite cheeky spam vector! And it got them past our spam filters! As you no doubt noticed, it was more-or-less a verbatim copy of a previous post of mine, but they changed the links to point to the sites they were trying to promote!
Anyway, Odoo sounds like it's going to suit your purposes. Although unless you use some of the additional functionality and/or "apps", it may be a little overkill (it's essentially a web based application framework). OTOH, if it works for you, fantastic! :)
Re Let's Encrypt, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but Confconsole has a Let's Encrypt plugin which should work OOTB. It doesn't support wildcard certificates, but so long as you include all of the domains and sub-domains you are hosting, it should server the purpose. Having said that, I'm not 100% clear of your PDX requirements re TLS cert, so not 100% sure how that will work.
If you use it though, keep in mind that when it updates the certs it will "hijack" port 80 (to host the challenges). As a general rule it's fairly quick, but does stop and start the webserver, so it might be worth ensuring that the cron runs at a time when it's unlikely that your server is in use.