Alon Swartz's picture

There isn't really a "trigger" to pull. You don't pay for use of the Hub, instead you pay Amazon directly for the cloud resources you use. The Hub wraps around Amazon's cloud services to provide a smooth experience for TurnKey users.

Once you terminate a server, it's terminated and can't be restarted. So yes, you need to launch a new server and use TKLBAM to restore.

There is no cost for Elastic IP's that are in use, but you pay $0.01 for EIP's that are allocated but not in use. For more information on pricing, see here.

Think of EBS volumes as external hard drives. You can attach and mount them on your instance for persistent storage, but it's up to you to configure your instance to store data on them. All TurnKey Amazon images include EBSMount, which will automatically mount EBS volumes when attached (if they are formatted). For more information, see here.

I hope the above answers your questions.