The file upload limit had to be done on the nginx proxy, the apache was already set much higher than the file I was sending.
odoo, although loaded with features, is not easy to navigate ie: the app filter defaulted on, in the apps listing, not showing any modules and no real indication that they even exist. I only discovered this after reading a page while searching for support.
I still haven't seen a data base manager, but now that I know it exist, I 'll search around.
I've always used debian after my initial, "try every distro" stage of linux embarkment. I find there are some differences that can cause a break, if you just assume that the ubuntu tutorial you are following, thinking it will fit a debian, is not always the case, especially, since some Ub pkgs like /usr/local/bin, and debian likes /usr/bin etc. I've learned to watch for these things over time.
At least now, Ill just destroy the data base, and not the appliance. Although..... for my particular scheme of things, I could eliminate the wordpress from my future deployments and just have Odoo, Zoneminder, and FreePBX on the base system. That is nice and lightweight, and leaves many of the resources open for the cams and phones. Yet will still fill almost every need in a small office environment.
The file upload limit had to be done on the nginx proxy, the apache was already set much higher than the file I was sending.
odoo, although loaded with features, is not easy to navigate ie: the app filter defaulted on, in the apps listing, not showing any modules and no real indication that they even exist. I only discovered this after reading a page while searching for support.
I still haven't seen a data base manager, but now that I know it exist, I 'll search around.
I've always used debian after my initial, "try every distro" stage of linux embarkment. I find there are some differences that can cause a break, if you just assume that the ubuntu tutorial you are following, thinking it will fit a debian, is not always the case, especially, since some Ub pkgs like /usr/local/bin, and debian likes /usr/bin etc. I've learned to watch for these things over time.
At least now, Ill just destroy the data base, and not the appliance. Although..... for my particular scheme of things, I could eliminate the wordpress from my future deployments and just have Odoo, Zoneminder, and FreePBX on the base system. That is nice and lightweight, and leaves many of the resources open for the cams and phones. Yet will still fill almost every need in a small office environment.