Jeremy Davis's picture

But as I said above, an error trap should be able to at least warn of this issue and exit while still in the chroot (at the very least) allowing you  to manually stop the service, exit and try again. Exactly what this code looks like though I don't know. I know it's theoretically possible, I just don't know how to do it. When I first discovered error trapping I had a bit of a play with it but was unable to get it to work as I wanted it to. I'm sure if I had persevered then I could've worked it out, but it was unnessessary for my purposes at the time so I wandered off to something else. If you are keen I'm sure you could do some research online and develop a code snippit that would do it.

If you do, please post back as others may be interested and perhaps even the devs may want to include it in the example patches that TKLPatch produces, or at least document it somewhere.