Jeremy Davis's picture

Thanks for that. After looking more closely at the code, I actually think that the root issue is outside TKLBAM; perhaps something not quite right (perhaps even an undocumented/missing dependency?) in python-pycurl or pycurl-wrapper.

To continue down the Option 1 path, and extend the stacktrace (and perhaps confirm my suspicions) I have another file to update temporarily for troubleshooting:
wget $URL -O $LOCAL
# also remove the compiled 'hub.pyc' file
rm ${LOCAL}c

Again if you wish to checkout what I changed you can see it here. FWIW, similar to last time, I commented out error handling code to allow more verbose stacktrace.

IMPORTANT - Please be sure to double check that your Hub API key is not included in the output that you post. FWIW it shouldn't this time, but if we continue I'll possibly include some "print" statements so we can see the data that is being passed (to ensure that it's valid). When that happens there is risk that your API key will be in the output. If it is, please replace it with a string that make it clear, e.g. MY_HUB_API_KEY or similar.

I was also think that it might be worth reinstalling some other packages (i.e. a continuation of "Option 2"), but I'm not sure of the value there, or even exactly which packages are more likely to be causing the issue, so I'll just leave that be for now...