Whilst you may be able to log into MySQL with the Observium account ok, are you using the same password that Observium is using? I.e. the password in '/opt/observium/config.php'?
Regardless, probably the easiest way to fix this up is to rerun the Observium "regen secrets" firstboot script like this:
Are you using the same password that Observium is?
Whilst you may be able to log into MySQL with the Observium account ok, are you using the same password that Observium is using? I.e. the password in '/opt/observium/config.php'?
Regardless, probably the easiest way to fix this up is to rerun the Observium "regen secrets" firstboot script like this:
(requires root)
That will regenerate a new random password for the Observium MySQL user and update the config file.