Ken Robinson's picture

My place of work does not like the idea of backing up to the "cloud". I am trying to pitch using TKL servers but backing up to the hub is some what of a concern. 

TKLBAM is open source but like J said the hub is not. I think it would not take too much to take a look at the source code and according to this post here TKLBAM could be used to backup to another storage target. I would think thats the easy part. The hard part would be the hub like target. You would need some type of http/webDAV file uploads. Not sure what TKLMAB uses to upload to AWS. then also keep track of all the meta data (backups/restore/keys etc) 

My current plan is to use TKLBAM to do a backup then scp to a holding area that is backed up to tape or offsite storage via cron job script. 

A total in house TKL style soultion may be far from reality since most people can use the hub and the price is very good IMO.  However, that being said this is on my list of "This would be cool to work on" list. So maybe one day. Until then, have some below reading

Some links about TKLBAM


TKLBAM Webmin Module Source

TKLBAM Source Code


