Jeremy Davis's picture

TKLBAM is a open source backup tool created by us; TurnKey Linux! And is NOT an Amazon product! We are a small independent open source collective.

The primary point of TKLBAM is to allow anyone, anywhere in the world to easily create bombproof, secure backups of their TurnKey server(s).

To do that, we need a globally accessible storage provider with incredible reliability and reasonable storage costs. Currently AWS are the front runner in that field. Ideally we would like to support alternate remote storage backends as well, but we've just never got to that.

If you want automated, bombproof, encrypted remote backups, with quick and easy setup, with a web based dashboard to manage your backups, then I would encourage you to sign up to the TurnKey Hub (and link it to an AWS account for storage).

If you are adamant that you do not want to use AWS, then that's fine. As I've noted earlier, you can still use TKLBAM and you have 2 options re configuring it to backup what you want:

  1. You can build a profile (should take no more than 15-20 minutes); or
  2. You can explicitly define what you want backed up via the overrides file.

Also, I'm not really clear on who "ptb" is? And I'm not sure how you ended up trying to use TKLBAM without realising the "easy" path (i.e. via the TurnKey Hub) requires AWS? That's part of the reason that I didn't initially understand your issue. I'd genuinely be interested in understanding how that came to be as you are the first person in my 8 years supporting TKLBAM to get as far as you did without realising that...

Also FWIW TurnKey is Debian under the hood, so whilst it won't be supporting us, you can use any Debian compatible backup product or service you'd like...