Jeremy Davis's picture

Perhaps your download was corrupted? Or you missed it somehow? I've just downloaded the Mayan-EDMS OVA file (using the link on the Mayan EDMS appliance page) and imported it into VirtualBox and it appears to work as expected for me?!

When you first boot your VM (if you install from imported OVA) or first reboot (after installing from ISO) then it will go through the initial boot process. When that has finished, the first thing you see should be a question asking you to set your root password. It will look like this (screenshot of the VM I just imported from a fresh download of the OVA):

After you set a root password, it will then ask you to set an email address and password for the Mayan EDMS 'admin' account (then some other stuff that you can skip if you want). The firstboot scripts won't allow you to set any blank passwords. After you've done all that, you could log in and reset the root user password to be blank with the 'passwd' command that I noted above. However, don't do that as SSH won't accept an empty password!

I suggest that you trash your existing VM and start again. This time, if the first screen you get (on firstboot if using the OVA; or on first reboot after install if using ISO) you do not get the screen above, please share a screenshot of what you see. (Unfortunately there isn't an easy way to do that via our forums, but you could upload it somewhere and link to it).