Jeremy Davis's picture

Considering the issues that you're hitting, I see 2 likely possibilities. Either there is something you're missing that seems obvious to me (curse of knowledge) but I'm not sure what it might be. Or there is something wrong with your Proxmox setup.

Considering your issues aren't limited to TurnKey server (you noted same issues with Ubuntu), it might also be worth posting on the Proxmox forums. Be sure to give them lots of info about your setup (Proxmox version, how you installed it, a rough overview of your hardware, etc).

Regardless, the format for SSH keys is pretty standard. Perhaps generate a new one to be sure?

If you use OpenSSH (should be pre-installed on Linux and Mac, you'll need to install it on Windows) then try this:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""

That should generate a ed25519 (aka EdDSA) key, which is (currently) the recommended algorithm. The last part is optional and can be any comment, but by convention it's usually your email address.

You should end up with 2 files, the private key ('id_ed25519' by default) and the public key ('' by default). On Linux, by default they will be found in ~/.ssh but I'm not 100% sure for Mac and Windows.

Alternatively, you could use PuTTy (specifically PuTTygen) to generate a keypair. The one to add to your server (via Proxmox UI at launch time) is the public key. Keep the private key in a safe spot - by default it should be saved in your Home directory with specific permissions to reduce chances of snooping from other user accounts. This is the one that you'll need to provide when logging in. If you used OpenSSH it should automatically pick the key up. Alternatively, if you have multiple keys, select it specifically with the '-i' switch. E.g. on Linux (possibly the same on other systems, but I can't be 100% sure):

ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 root@192.168.x.x

(Silly example as that's the default location in Linux, but you get hte idea - also 192.168.x.x is hte IP of your container).

I'm not sure if that's of any help? But I hope so! Good luck :)