But this is not something to be done lightly. Giving you an easy route to do that is likely to open up a whole can of worms for you (and anyone else who randomly tries it, and me by extension). Installing from source can be painful, but it is much less likely to leave you with a system that won't work. I'll give you a few pointers, but realy you probably should be doing some reading so you understand what you are doing, rather than just following some commands which may or may not work.
If you wish to persevere with the 3rd option then I can suggest you search the Ubuntu wiki for the page on 'Pinning' and have a good read until you understand it (google might also be helpful). Then add the precise repo and pin MySQL 5.5 (and any other required dependancies) to it.
Otherwise you can follow the link I gave you above and download the relevant .deb packages and install with 'dpkg -i <packagename>'. You will probably find that you will need to download and install other packages (because they are dependancies). It may go on adnausium and can result in what is commonly called 'dependancy hell'. Whilst the 'easiest' way, the process will be time consuming, probably frustrating and perhaps even fruitless in the end (you may reach a point where to install a package you may need to remove core OS components which will destroy your system).
So despite the fact that I used the term 'easiest', none of this should be considered easy and I can't guarantee it will actually work, and if it does I can't guarantee that the other components of your TKL server will still work as expected. Installing from source is probably the only way to guarantee that (or waiting for TKL v12.0).
I hate to be a pain...
But this is not something to be done lightly. Giving you an easy route to do that is likely to open up a whole can of worms for you (and anyone else who randomly tries it, and me by extension). Installing from source can be painful, but it is much less likely to leave you with a system that won't work. I'll give you a few pointers, but realy you probably should be doing some reading so you understand what you are doing, rather than just following some commands which may or may not work.
If you wish to persevere with the 3rd option then I can suggest you search the Ubuntu wiki for the page on 'Pinning' and have a good read until you understand it (google might also be helpful). Then add the precise repo and pin MySQL 5.5 (and any other required dependancies) to it.
Otherwise you can follow the link I gave you above and download the relevant .deb packages and install with 'dpkg -i <packagename>'. You will probably find that you will need to download and install other packages (because they are dependancies). It may go on adnausium and can result in what is commonly called 'dependancy hell'. Whilst the 'easiest' way, the process will be time consuming, probably frustrating and perhaps even fruitless in the end (you may reach a point where to install a package you may need to remove core OS components which will destroy your system).
So despite the fact that I used the term 'easiest', none of this should be considered easy and I can't guarantee it will actually work, and if it does I can't guarantee that the other components of your TKL server will still work as expected. Installing from source is probably the only way to guarantee that (or waiting for TKL v12.0).
Sorry I can't be more precise.