CJT's picture

Jeremy, the main reason is I have no idea what the "hub" is... I looked at your site, and really couldn't figure out, what or how it works with regards to my current Amazon account--I am sure I am the idiot.  It is not you guys--your work is awesome and I know you need to be compensated for your efforts no doubt.  

So here is the flow on how I found TurnKey Linux...

First, I am NOT a Linux Admin by any means at all.  I have very very limited skills.  So I mostly use Windows...  I installed vTiger in Windows image at EC2 and the performance was crap.  I was considering to just boot a Amazon AMI and then install vTiger.  For the hell of it I search "vtiger" under images and found one so I tried it.  It was your image.  Then I went through the "how do I get root" on it.  As you know there so many different access methods with Amazon, key pairs, ssh, every image is different.  And honestly a pain in the ass.  So I started digging.

The point is, I am over worked, underpaid, and have limited skills.  The point was to get the job done as fast as possible and learning another "interface" (the Hub) didn't seem to be the short cut I needed.

However I must admit your images are nice, easy to work with (webmin, myphp) all the tools I normally install.  I just signed up for an account and will spend some time on your project.

What looks really interesting is the backups...

Here is a question for you, and very important.  I am working on a project and we need "idiot scalablity".  When you are in the EC2 interface, depending on the image you use, there limitations for upgrade.  For example CentOS (an image I have used a few times) has a strange upgrade path, you can have micro, small, instances but not large.  Or some other strange mix.  After digging with various images it seems ONLY THE AMAZON AMIs have the entire "upgrade path" micro, small, medium, large, extra large etc.  

So can I use the HUB for my other Amazon AMI images?  Maybe that would be good...

Your stuff is great, and I will spend some more time on it...

Keep up the good work.
