Since it's broken out of the box, I thought about unpublishing TurnKey
Canvas altogether but since the fix is relatively simple then I think
there's still value in having it in there. I updated the page to document the issue and the fix.
The build pulls the latest version of Canvas from upstream. When we tested this,
Canvas required the version of redis server in Debian Wheezy but a few
days later when the final build went through Canvas was updated to
require a newer version of Redis. I looked into this and there's no easy
way to fix this in a hotpatch because the APT configuration has to be
updated and it's tricky to do that from within a package.
The way to prevent this sort of thing from happening in the future is to test the final build version rather than the development version. Preferably, automatically...
You need to update redis server
You'll need to apply this fix to update redis-server:
Since it's broken out of the box, I thought about unpublishing TurnKey Canvas altogether but since the fix is relatively simple then I think there's still value in having it in there. I updated the page to document the issue and the fix.
The build pulls the latest version of Canvas from upstream. When we tested this, Canvas required the version of redis server in Debian Wheezy but a few days later when the final build went through Canvas was updated to require a newer version of Redis. I looked into this and there's no easy way to fix this in a hotpatch because the APT configuration has to be updated and it's tricky to do that from within a package.
The way to prevent this sort of thing from happening in the future is to test the final build version rather than the development version. Preferably, automatically...