According to google (TBH, I'm not particularly familiar with OpenVPN) if you have this line in your config (/etc/openvpn/server.conf):
status /var/log/openvpn-status.log
Then you could create a script to poll the log and report. According to StackExchange something like this should work:
while true; do
sed -n '/OpenVPN CLIENT LIST/,/ROUTING TABLE/p' /var/log/openvpn-status.log | tail -n+4 | sed "s/ROUTING TABLE//g"
sleep 60
(I mildly modified the script, but the above should give identical result). To set that up so it runs all the time, you'd probably want to create a fairly simple systemd service and then you could check for connections via the journal. Or log to a specific (different) file.
Please let me know how it goes and if we can confirm that it works then we could consider adding it to the appliance by default.
Look like it's just in the logs
According to google (TBH, I'm not particularly familiar with OpenVPN) if you have this line in your config (/etc/openvpn/server.conf):
Then you could create a script to poll the log and report. According to StackExchange something like this should work:
(I mildly modified the script, but the above should give identical result). To set that up so it runs all the time, you'd probably want to create a fairly simple systemd service and then you could check for connections via the journal. Or log to a specific (different) file.
Please let me know how it goes and if we can confirm that it works then we could consider adding it to the appliance by default.