Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Tango, welcome to TurnKey :)

So I have a question, perhaps it's a stupid one, perhaps not.

Do you have the "Parsoid/RESTBase server" (some sort of RESTful API server I assume?) configured and running? I'm assuming that it is (or at least should be) running on port 8142?

My suspicion is that either you have missed that step. Or if you have followed that step, that there is something not quite right there.

Another question/thought (which may be way off target), I note that you are trying to use localhost. Is that recommended config? (And actually, if you can point to the docs you used to set this up might be useful too).

I ask because if I'm right about the "Parsoid/RESTBase server" being some sort of RESTful API server, often they connect within the user's web browser. It's usually done by javascript embedded in the page, which interacts directly with the backend API server, via a connection within your web browser. I have no idea if MediaWIki do it that way (hence why I might be way off the mark), but I've seen that sort of set up in lots of different dynamic apps these days.

So if you're binding the API server to localhost (rather than a domain), then you probably can't connect to it in your browser!? (Still assuming I understand correctly) It probably would work ok if you were running MediaWiki locally (i.e. on the same PC as your web browser) but otherwise, your web browser will never connect to your API server running on "localhost" (localhost in your browser will most likely resolve to your local computer not the server, otherwise it might just fail altogether).

As an additional point, the sort of connection I describe above has security implications. So you don't want to enable it via vanilla http, only https. But then the connection will still fail unless you have a proper CA signed certificate (API connection via self signed cert - like TurnKey ships with - will fail).

Anyway, maybe I'm completely wrong? My knowledge tends to be broad rather than deep and I have close to zero experience with MediaWiki.

So please share a bit more info about the docs you used to set this up and what (if any) config you have for the "Parsoid/RESTBase server". Feel free to redact anything that you feel is sensitive, but please somehow give me some indication of what has been redacted. For example to redact an IP address, use something like: ''; or to redact emails, use something like: '', etc...