Jeremy Davis's picture

Hi Fernando, thanks for your question and reporting your issues updating Snipe-IT.

We do try to keep track of the upstream versions and release updated apps when we can. Although unfortunately we have limited resources, so the installed versions of some upstream software does age a bit between our releases. So I'll add Snipe-IT to the list, but I'm not 100% sure when a new release will happen.

In the meantime, here are instructions to update the current v18.0 Snipe-IT appliance to the latest Snipe-IT version (i.e. v6.x -> v7.1.15).

I have tested the update steps below in a fresh v18.0 Snipe-IT install and it appears to have worked fine. However, if you have any data in your Snipe-IT server be sure to make a backup first! It should work fine, but you should always create a backup before doing anything that is potentially destructive!

To update Snipe-IT, log into your v18.x Snipe-IT server as root and in a terminal run the following commands:

cd /var/www/snipe-it
git pull
chown -R www-data:www-data ./
turnkey-composer install --no-dev --prefer-source
turnkey-composer dump-autoload
turnkey-artisan migrate
turnkey-artisan config:clear
turnkey-artisan route:clear
turnkey-artisan cache:clear
turnkey-artisan view:clear