vanarie's picture

This assumes you've installed a *fresh* copy of turnkey-lamp-2009.02-hardy-x86.iso on VMWorkstation 6

Test environment: WebServer 2008 OS, turnkey-lamp installed under VM-Workstation 6.5. The total install base, after this has been completed this and Virtualmin is just under 1.8Gigs, so it's a good idea to create a VM image file that is over this (4 Gigs, for example).

You need to do some post-LAMP work on the install base to get everything ready before you can successfully install VMWareTools. Specifically, "make" and "gcc" need to be installed because future scripts may need to compile modules for this distro and are required to work. After completing these steps, everthing should just work.

Once this is done, you can move on to installing Virtualmin if you want to.

Also, I found that this distro does NOT require you to use "sudo" as is usual for Ubuntu, which is a good thing.

  • Update packages:
    • Shell: sudo apt-get update
  • Install gcc
  • Install linux-headers
    • shell: apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`
    • shell: apt-get install libproc-dev libdumbnet-dev
  • Install VMTools
  • Installs (optional)
    • GD-support
      • shell: apt-get install php5-gd
      • shell: /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
    • GhostScript (ps/pdf support)
      • shell: apt-get install ghostscript


Christian Peper's picture

Check out my instructions on how to add a VMwareTools repo offered by VMware itself and get VMwareTools using a simple:
apt-get install vmware-tools
BTW, thanks a better list of dependencies and for showing me to use 'uname -r' inline. Forgot about that. ;) Thanks!

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