jgab's picture

Greetings to everybody.

Are you going to sell support for Turnkey Linux appliances installed on VPS Cloud Hosting services, like VPS.NET?

It can be a great business opportunity for Turnkey Linux and a great help for people that wants to deploy the appliances on these services.

Best regards!


Liraz Siri's picture


If there is enough demand for it, that's something we'll have to take a closer look at. There are many things to consider such as the economic viability of such a service (e.g., costs and pricing), what the support plan would cover, HR issues, etc.

Another thing to consider is that our vision for the project is to make everything as easy as possible for end-users. Building a business around support could create a perverse incentive to make things more difficult than they have to be. In my view that's a design flaw with the support based business model for open source as it dis-aligns the interests of developers and users.

FYI, we currently offer engineering level support but that's not really tailored for the end-user or small businesses.

Meanwhile we do support the community on a best effort basis through the project's community tools (e.g., forums, Q&A database, etc.). We don't force anyone to give back but users that want to show their appreciation are encouraged to donate what they can.

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