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base: Turnkey Core Lucid
admin email (username) :
admin password              : spree
Site URL :     https://IP_Address
admin URL :  https://IP_Address/admin/

During Patching some questions need to be answered

Load Sample Data? [y/n]: y
Create the admin user (press enter for defaults).
Email []:
Password [spree]:



Multiple stores can be easily configured on same appliance .

Liraz Siri's picture

I hadn't heard of Spree before but I just took a look at their demo site and it looks pretty sweet. I love how setting up an online business is getting easier and easier, and once we turn this into a TurnKey app - even easier!

A few comments:

  • I was delighted to see you had set up SSL support. Excellent.
  • It's best if a patch can run non-interactively otherwise we have more work to do when we convert the TKLPatch to an officially supported appliance. Is there some way to automate or disable the interactive parts of the installation? Maybe by providing default values and later documenting how the user can change them? If so we can allow the user to configure Spree on firstboot (e.g., in a di-live hook).

It is difficult to automate that part.

May be tweaking  the Rails application script will do. But didn't tried yet . Is that a critical problem. We will be mannualy applying the patch, before release , right ?

Liraz Siri's picture

Even if the script doesn't officially support pre-entering the values somehow, we could just rig its input like this:
cat answers | gem install spree --no-ri --no-rdoc
Unfortunately the things you get can away with for a TKLPatch (e.g., console access), don't necessarily hold true for the process we're using behind the scenes for the official appliances. In other words the build process has to be automatic because no user interaction is supported.

Thaks for the tip . Let me try :)

echo -e "y\n\n"|rake db:bootstrap RAILS_ENV=production
Jeremy Davis's picture

But you could try extracting the patch and trying to manually apply the conf script (perhaps line-by-line?) and see what (if any) error it is throwing.

Sorry but I don't have any chance testing it to see hwy it's not working but will try to help if I can...

L. Arnold's picture

The Apache settings may, for some reason, not have been updated with the Patch.  Also make sure Apache is running if the settings are good.

Beyond that, study Patches.  It is "relatively" easy to build your own.

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