SchoolTool was first mentioned at TKL in response to a blog post by Liraz [1]. As I endeavored to create patches for the Ubuntu School Server in a Box blueprint, I was pleased to see it on the list of server technologies to be considered for incorporation [2].

SchoolTool is a technology to manage calendars, gradebooks, attendance, reporting, and more. It can be deployed to small teams or to entire institutions [3].

I hadn't planned on tackling this one yet, as I have a growing queue, but took a minute to survey what's involved and found myself committed before I knew it.

Attached is the patch I developed from build notes. I will follow up with build notes for the prototype.

I'll note here something that may be a problem: PDF functionality for reporting depends on msttcorefonts from Multiverse. Documentation suggests an alternative is being pursued, but no mention of progress is made.





Build Notes


Default Credentials

Username: manager

Password: schooltool

Given VM with TKL Core 11.0 Lucid running:

Set Hostname

# Set Hostname
echo "$HOSTNAME" > /etc/hostname
sed -i "s| \(.*\)| $HOSTNAME|" /etc/hosts

Add Repositories

Edit /etc/apt/source.list

deb lucid main 
deb-src lucid main 

Uncomment multiverse

Add Key

apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 386b7051

Update and Install

apt-get update
apt-get install schooltool-2009 msttcorefonts -y

Modify Configuration

sed -i 's|||' /etc/schooltool/schooltool-2009/paste.ini

Modify Services.txt for Confconsole

Nano /etc/confconsole/services.txt

Add a line for SchoolTool:

SchoolTool:    http://$ipaddr:7080 #use spaces, not tabs

Shutdown and Test

shutdown -r now

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