Gobby is a collaborative, real-time synchronous text editor with syntax highlighting - perfect for students working on scripts or composition skills in our labs.

Infinoted is a dedicated infinote server that provides a server backend to Gobby and compatible editors - just what we needed for our lab.

We've produced a TKLPatch that brings TurnKey Linux Core 11.1 (Lucid) to a fully configured Infinoted server. Click here to download the TKLPatch. Build notes are available here.

The Infinoted server is configured to start on boot from rc.local without security enabled.  Services that also start on boot include webmin, shellinabox, and ssh/sftp. I don't like the rc.local solution, and would prefer somthing in /etc/init.d based on skeleton; however, I wanted students to have complete ownership of this one.

To apply the patch, read our patch primer or read the official TKLPatch documentation.

We'd like feedback on this appliance: we're new to it, and would ideally like feedback on how to run as a service from /etc/init.d (we tried and had not luck). We did find this documentation somewhat helpful, however: http://www.fabianrodriguez.com/blog/2010/02/05/gobby-server-in-3-steps.

Some projects using Infonote, according to http://infinote.org/:

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I have just discovered with Meerkat one of two things is happening: Gobby 5, which is the Meerkat version isn't compatible with this infinoted; alternative theory, this infinoted needs a configuration tweak to serve Gobby 5.0.

I'll get to the bottom of it at the earliest opportunity (discovered this the day the spring break started, so I haven't had the opportunity to investigate.

Students on this patch: Jerel Moses, Maurice Quarles (providing leadership), Steven Robinson (hands-off theoretician and critic).

Note that the patch was composed using Gobby and in synchrony.

Jeremy Davis's picture

But TBH I don't have an immediate need for anything like this so the chances of me getting to test it out are probably slim at this point. OTOH if you can convince me i need it, perhaps I'll have a look ;)

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