Marco Ovalle's picture

Hi, I already made a 2.5 joomla website with linux platform, but I need to create another Joomla website. The problem is that I can not access to the database through linux. It displays something like this:


Welcome to Joomla25, TurnKey Linux 12.0 / Debian 6.0.5 Squeeze
  System information (as of Tue Apr 16 18:37:36 2013)
    System load:  0.09              Memory usage:  53%
    Processes:    84                Swap usage:    0%
    Usage of /:   30.5% of 9.84GB   IP address for eth0:
  TKLBAM (Backup and Migration):  NOT INITIALIZED
    To initialize TKLBAM, run the "tklbam-init" command to link this
    system to your TurnKey Hub account. For details see the man page or
    go to:
You have new mail.
root@joomla25 ~# 

Can anybody help me with this? Something any graphic console instead of command lines ?

Thanks in advance.


Jeremy Davis's picture

But there are instructions in the docs on how to configure it to accept remote connections. You'll need to use commandline though... It's here.

The other thing to consider is setting up your Joomla server as a multisite (I.e host multiple sites from the one server). Again you'll probably need to use the command line but it is possible. You'll need to do a bit of googling (keep in mind that TKL v12 is based on Debian Sqeeze/6) and I would do this on a test server before you reconfigure your current server. If you do that you won't need to enable remote access to your DB.

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